Wisdom Talk
Do you hunger for the Bread of Grace and Bread of Life?
Draw near to the Blessed Virgin Mary
who bore the Living Bread which came down from Heaven.
How could there possibly be any prayer more pleasing
to Almighty God and the Blessed Virgin Mary,
or any prayer that are easier, more precious or more helpful than these two
prayers: The Our Father and The Angelic Salutation. We should
always have them in our heart and on our lips to honor the Most Blessed Trinity
and the Blessed Virgin Mary.
A Christian who does not meditate on the Mysteries of
the Rosary is very ungrateful to Our Lord and shows how little he cares for all
that Our Divine Savior has suffered to save the World. A Christian of this kind
ought to fear that having never known Jesus
Christ or having put him out of his mind and heart should remember that Jesus will also disown him/her at the
Day of Judgment and will say reproachfully ‘Amen I say to you, I know you not’
There is no body in the world that will always
recite the Rosary frequently, Meditating on the Mysteries of God and still
remain in sin. For he shall be conscious of himself and be very careful not to
commit a sin.
How do you think that Jesus and Mary who
blesses those that curse them will ever curse those who honor them by the Hail Mary and the Our Father?
For the very first instance Elizabeth heard the
greetings of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
She was filled of the Holy Spirit and the baby in Her womb leaped for Joy. And Elizabeth
pronounced in luke1:43 “And why
is this to me that the Mother of My Lord should come unto me?”
Hey!!!!!!! Is Mary not the sister of
Elizabeth why then did She call her the Mother of God and that She was not
worthy for Mary to even come near Her.Thereby
this event shows the greatness of Mary.
Our Lord is saying, ‘oh all of you that pass by,
pause a while and see if there has ever been sorrow like unto the sorrow which I
have undergone for love of you. Be mindful of my poverty and of my humiliations,
think of the wine mingled with gall which I drank for you during my bitter
Our Lord having known how weak we are made his
prayer so short for us and very easy to say, so that if we say it devoutly and
often we can be sure that Almighty God will quickly come to our aid.
It is by the devils wicked and jealous attitude that
is responsible for getting people to neglect the Holy Rosary. And by so doing
blocked the flow of God’s Graces which the Holy Rosary had drawn upon the
It is not even a Venial Sin not to say the Holy
Rosary because it is voluntary, so therefore, sharing from the Graces and
merits of your brothers and sisters who say this Holy Rosary in the world.
The Holy Rosary is made by the direct work of the
Trinity and not by human instrument.
The greatest event in the whole history of the world
was the incarnation of the eternal word by whom the world was redeemed and
peace was restored between God and men.
The Blessed Virgin Mary was chosen to be and instrument for this tremendous event which
was put into effects when she was greeted with the Angelic Salutation. “Hail
full of Grace the Lord is with you, blessed are you among all women”.
These words and many others which could be given
here should be more than enough to convince us that we must not only say the Rosary
with our lips in honor of Our Lord and Our Lady, but also meditate upon the Sacred
Mysteries while we are saying it.
The Hail Mary is a sharp and flaming shaft which
joined to the word of God, gives the preacher the strength to pierce, move and
convert the most hardened hearts even if he has little or no natural gift for
The Holy Scriptures reveals to us that after the Blessed Virgin Mary
had visited her cousin Elizabeth, she recited the Magnificat. One prophetic
verse in that prayer still echoes today, "Surely,
from now on all generations will call me blessed." [Lk. 1:48].The
Holy Rosary fulfills the prophecy of those words, that the Blessed Virgin Mary
shall be called blessed today as much as she was called blessed in the days
that followed the glorious birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Catholics view Mary as the person who will defeat Satan on earth. But she will not do it alone. Everyone who is consecrated to Jesus through Mary will help her in her God given mission to defeat the enemy. As the Archangel Gabriel once said - "HAIL FULL OF GRACE!”
Most of the time in the Bible, God
chooses to do His work through a human, whether it's Moses, Jacob, Joseph of
the Old Testament, or one of the Prophets like Isaiah or Elisha. It's no
different with Mary. God allowed
salvation in the person of Jesus Christ
to enter into the world through Mary, even though he could have just appeared
all on his own. In like manner, it shows great humility on our part to approach
Jesus in the exact same way that He approached us - Through Mary. After
all, if Jesus was obedient to Mary for 30 years of his life here on earth,
shouldn't we imitate Him in that respect? If Mary was good enough for
Jesus, who are we to say that she isn't good enough for us? Jesus Himself
said that "No servant is greater than His Master".
"Because of Mary's singular cooperation with the action of the Holy Spirit, the Church loves to pray in communion with the Virgin Mary, to magnify with her the great things the Lord has done for her, and to entrust supplications and praises to her.
Contrary to the belief of many of our separated brothers and sisters, when Catholics pray the Holy Rosary, they do not pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the same way as when they pray to God. Seeking the intercession of the Virgin Mary through the Marian Sacramental of the Holy Rosary, they pray to God through Mary.
The Catholic Church officially recognizes Three Marian Sacraments, these being The Holy Rosary, The Brown Scapular and The Miraculous Medal.
Of all the different kinds of Marian devotions, endless Catholic Church prayers, litanies and Novenas, the Holy Rosary is The Most Popular on Earth.
The Church Sacramental of the Rosary, recited daily throughout the world, brings back to memory thousands and thousands of times the words of the angel of God, "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you." [Lk. 1:28]
Mary is the
daughter of God the Father, the Bride of the Holy Spirit, and the mother of Jesus. That would make it almost
blasphemous to put her down on every occasion. As Gabriel said, in a message
from God, "Hail Mary!"
Catholics agree wholeheartedly with Gabriel!
Catholics never have worshiped Mary as a goddess, but we do recognize
that her soul, like every other soul ever made, is very much alive. People who
say that Mary is dead sound more
like atheists than like Christians. Mary
says that her soul "magnifies
the Lord", which makes Jesus
clearer, more in focus, and larger. That's a great lens to be looking at Jesus through. According to
Gabriel, Mary was full of grace
before the incarnation of Jesus,
which indicates that Mary was part
of the heavenly plan all along, not a random choice.
If one is lost and needs to get
somewhere, the best thing to do is to find someone who knows the way better
than anyone else. Most of mankind is lost, and needs to find Jesus. Mary is the one person who knows the way better than anyone else,
because She and Jesus shared the same body for 9 months, Jesus was subject to Her
for 30 years, they probably even look alike, and they are of one accord.
Getting close to Mary is the fastest
and best way to get close to Jesus.
It's pure folly to even think that by getting close to Mary you are somehow getting farther away from Jesus. Jesus got
his sacred Body and his precious Blood from MARY!
"Because of Mary's singular cooperation with the action of the Holy Spirit, the Church loves to pray in communion with the Virgin Mary, to magnify with her the great things the Lord has done for her, and to entrust supplications and praises to her.
Contrary to the belief of many of our separated brothers and sisters, when Catholics pray the Holy Rosary, they do not pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary in the same way as when they pray to God. Seeking the intercession of the Virgin Mary through the Marian Sacramental of the Holy Rosary, they pray to God through Mary.
The Catholic Church officially recognizes Three Marian Sacraments, these being The Holy Rosary, The Brown Scapular and The Miraculous Medal.
Of all the different kinds of Marian devotions, endless Catholic Church prayers, litanies and Novenas, the Holy Rosary is The Most Popular on Earth.
The Church Sacramental of the Rosary, recited daily throughout the world, brings back to memory thousands and thousands of times the words of the angel of God, "Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you." [Lk. 1:28]
Those who have adopted the devotion of the Holy
Rosary, they have grown in a special relationship with the Virgin Mary,
the Mother of God. Having achieved this, they have consequently grown closer to
Jesus. Through Mary, they have come to know Jesus in a
very special way.
Catholics view Mary as the person who will defeat Satan on earth. But she will not do it alone. Everyone who is consecrated to Jesus through Mary will help her in her God given mission to defeat the enemy. As the Archangel Gabriel once said - "HAIL FULL OF GRACE!”
Genesis 2:23 “ Then the
man said. At last here is one of my own kind-Bone taken from my bone and flesh
from my flesh.
NOTE: It makes us
understand the incarnation of Jesus in the womb of Mary, therefore Jesus bone
& Flesh are the same with that of the Blessed Virgin Mary his mother.
Symbolism of the Rosary
in the Bible : the number of fishes counted by Jesus and his disciples as 153
signifies 153 Hail Mary(the 150 beads of the rosary + the 3 at the start)
At the mention of Jesus, every Knee must bow that Jesus is
Lord (Philippian 2:10-11) THE NAME OF
King David Prayed “O, turn unto me, and have mercy
upon me, give thy strength unto thy servant, and save the son of thy HANDMAID. TELL
It is impossible to measure the power and scope of her offices since the day she was taken up to that height of heavenly glory in the company of her Son, to which the dignity and luster of her merits entitle her. From her heavenly abode she began, by God's decree, to watch over the Church, to assist and befriend us as our Mother; so that she who was so intimately associated with the mystery of human salvation is just as closely associated with the distribution of the graces which for all time will flow from the Redemption.
. The power thus put into her hands is all but unlimited. How unerringly right, then, are Christian souls when they turn to Mary for help as though impelled by an instinct of nature, confidently sharing with her their future hopes and past achievements, their sorrows and joys, commending themselves like children to the care of a bountiful mother. How rightly, too, has every nation and every liturgy without exception acclaimed her great renown, which has grown greater with the voice of each succeeding century. Among her many other titles we find her hailed as "our Lady, our Mediatrix, "the Reparatrix of the whole world, "the Dispenser of all heavenly gifts."
Since faith is the foundation, the source, of the gifts of God by which man is raised above the order of nature and is endowed with the dispositions requisite for life eternal, we are in justice bound to recognize the hidden influence of Mary in obtaining the gift of faith and its salutary cultivation - of Mary who brought the "author of faith"into this world and who, because of her own great faith, was called "blessed." "O Virgin most holy, none abounds in the knowledge of God except through thee; none, O Mother of God, attains salvation except through thee; none receives a gift from the throne of mercy except through thee."
kingdom of God is like a king who had only one son from his beautiful Queen.
The king and the Queen loved this little Prince of theirs’ so much and allowed
him to grow loving everyone including his guards and servants, slaves and other
members of the kings subjects.
time went on, when the Prince was due for marriage, he found out that some
people dislike the king’s precious Gold (his Mother) the person the king
treasures very much.
prince later found a girl he wants to marry, and he brought the girl to his
house, the Queen treated the her daughter in-law kindly but the girl disliked
the Queen and asked the prince to let her be if he don’t do away with his
Mother. So the prince got annoyed, and sent her away saying ‘How can you be my
wife if you do not love my mother, nor
my father’ but only me; this marriage will never work out.’
the prince apologies to his parents and kept on searching for another to marry,
and finally he got one who also behaved like the first, but in a different way,
in the sense that she loved the prince, the king but disliked the Queen. So the
king sent her away saying ‘How can you hate my wife and pretend you love and
obey me. Out of my sight before I send my guards to bind you out’.
prince gave a long distance off in order to get his parent’s choice. So he
gathered friends to play with but his friends told him saying ‘We would have
loved to be with you but we can’t stand your mother’. The prince got annoyed
with his friends and sent them out of his house, and asked them not to ever
faithful day, the Queen called his son and said to him “All of which you have
brought to my house are all the same, they do not love me and I will not allow
them to destroy my kingdom, to put enmity between you and me. So from today
onward stay away from bad friends who always pretend to love you and your
father but hate Me. Remember your father will never allow that”; and the prince
said to his mother, OK mummy I will do as you have said because you and daddy
know the best for me. I will not bring
anyone into this kingdom to spoil our good relationship.
another occasion the prince found a girl, but this time around she was so a
humble type, full of love for the prince, the king and the queen. The Queen
found favour in her and accepted her to be the prince’s bride and they both got
married and lived happily ever after. (STORY
you have read this Parable reflect on it. The Queen is the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Prince is Jesus Christ, and the King is GOD.
Now all his friends and wife to be is the people of this world.
check your category and change instantly to the best of the best. God blesses
you. Amen
It is impossible to measure the power and scope of her offices since the day she was taken up to that height of heavenly glory in the company of her Son, to which the dignity and luster of her merits entitle her. From her heavenly abode she began, by God's decree, to watch over the Church, to assist and befriend us as our Mother; so that she who was so intimately associated with the mystery of human salvation is just as closely associated with the distribution of the graces which for all time will flow from the Redemption.
. The power thus put into her hands is all but unlimited. How unerringly right, then, are Christian souls when they turn to Mary for help as though impelled by an instinct of nature, confidently sharing with her their future hopes and past achievements, their sorrows and joys, commending themselves like children to the care of a bountiful mother. How rightly, too, has every nation and every liturgy without exception acclaimed her great renown, which has grown greater with the voice of each succeeding century. Among her many other titles we find her hailed as "our Lady, our Mediatrix, "the Reparatrix of the whole world, "the Dispenser of all heavenly gifts."
Since faith is the foundation, the source, of the gifts of God by which man is raised above the order of nature and is endowed with the dispositions requisite for life eternal, we are in justice bound to recognize the hidden influence of Mary in obtaining the gift of faith and its salutary cultivation - of Mary who brought the "author of faith"into this world and who, because of her own great faith, was called "blessed." "O Virgin most holy, none abounds in the knowledge of God except through thee; none, O Mother of God, attains salvation except through thee; none receives a gift from the throne of mercy except through thee."
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