Types of Sins
Do SIN has types
is noticeable that Protestants argue that sin has no type, but I put it to you
that there are types of sins.
that can be forgiven
that cannot be forgiven
According to
Matthew 12:31-32.
And so I tell
you that people can be forgiven any sin and any evil thing they say, but
whoever says evil things against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone
says something against the son of Man can be forgiven, but whoever says something against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven – NOW OR EVER.
says something against the son of Man can be forgiven, but whoever says something against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven – NOW OR EVER.
is usual that most of our Pastors, Priests, Clergy and even we ourselves do sin
against the Spirit of God (Holy Spirit). There are different ways in which we
sin against the Holy Spirit.
against the Holy Spirit
against the Holy Spirit is very common among us, we do lie against the Holy
Spirit in the manner in which we talk, such as saying “The Holy Spirit
ministered to me” whereby it is not true. You see some pastors playing with sin
lying and deceiving others in the name that they have received message from the
Holy Spirit.
fornicating is another way in which we sin against the Holy Spirit because it
is clearly stated in the Bible that “Your body is the temple of the Holy
Spirit” that means your body is where the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of God
dwells). So why are we defiling the temple of the Holy Spirit.
the wroth of God and the wroth of the Holy Spirit from today, decease from
sinning against the Holy Spirit you Pastors and Clergy. It is clearly stated by
Jesus Christ Himself that “any sin can be forgiven but if you sin against the
Holy Spirit, you will not be forgiven – NOW
OR EVER. So my brethren, spread the news to others who does so BEWARE! tell it to others because, it
is in the Bible that God has made us a WATCHMAN
(Ezekiel 33:7-9) that “Now, mortal man, I am making you a watchman
for the nation of Israel. You MUST
pass on to them the warnings I give you. If I announce that an evil person is
going to die but you do not warn him to change his ways so that he can save his
life, then he will die, still a sinner, and I will hold you responsible for his
death. If you do warn an evil person and he doesn’t stop sinning, he will die,
still a sinner, but your life will be spared”.
As stated in the passage, God has made you a WATCHMAN for your neighbors, friends, brothers and even the nation, you are now given a responsibility to warn those whom these implies to, for if you don’t and the person dies, you will be accountable for his death, but if you do warn him/her then you are safe. It is an assignment which is stated a “MUST” carry out.
someone in your midst is doing evil, do stop him, don’t say since it is not
you, then you will forget about him. It is clearly stated in (Obadiah 1:15-16) – The day is near when I, the LORD will judge
all nations. Edom, what you have done will be done to you. You will get back
what you have given. My people have drunk a bitter cup of punishment; they will
drink it all and vanish away.
are indefinitely a WATCHMAN over all
around and engulfing you. Don’t hid the TRUTH
when you know it, always stand to defend, correct and proclaim the LORD’s
merciful love and His protection.
message to all pregnant women, the LORD Almighty is telling you today - Do not think I will bring my people to the
point of birth and not let them be born. “The LORD has spoken”. This is an
everlasting message for you, so don’t panic on how you will deliver, because
everything is settled now, for God who made you reached the point of delivering
will surely make you deliver peacefully.
stand as an instrument of the Almighty God to bring you this Message of Comfort
and food for taught.
Lesson 10:
Mortal and Venial Sin
- "Let no man, when he is tempted, say that he is tempted by God. For God is not a tempter of evils, and he tempteth no man. But every man is tempted by his own concupiscence, being drawn away and allured. Then when concupiscence hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin. But sin, when it is completed, begetteth death." (James 1:13-15)
- What is sin?
- When are you guilty of sin?
- You must know that you are breaking God's law, and...
- You must freely choose to do it.
- How many kinds of sin are there?
- What is mortal sin?
- Examples: Getting drunk, adultery, stealing something expensive.
- What does mortal sin do to the soul?
- "What fruit had you then in those things, of which you are now ashamed? For the end of them is death." (Romans 6:21)
- Where will you go if you die with mortal sin on your soul?
- "They shall have their portion in the pool burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." (Apocalypse 21:8)
- Can all mortal sins be forgiven?
- "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just, to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all iniquity." (1 John 1:9)
- What is venial sin?
- Examples: Impatience, ordinary anger, stealing something cheap, getting slightly drunk.
- What does venial sin do to your soul?
- Where will you go if you die with venial sin on your soul (and no mortal sins)?
- Can a number of venial sins become a mortal sin?
- If you do something wrong, but do not know it is wrong, are you guilty of sin?
- Example: If you eat meat on Ash Wednesday, completely forgetting that it is Ash Wednesday, you are not guilty of sin.
- (Ed. note: There are some things, though, that you know are wrong, even though somebody may never have told you that they are wrong, such as birth control or homosexuality. Even though you may not have been told that they are wrong, common sense or the natural law tells you that they are wrong.)
- Are you guilty of sin if you intend to do something wrong, even though you do not actually do it?
- Example: If you intend to rob a bank, but are frightened off by the guards, you still commit just as bad a sin as if you had robbed the bank.
- What should you do if you do not know whether something is mortal or venial sin?
- Example: You do not know whether eating too much is a mortal or venial sin, but you go ahead and eat too much anyway.
- What is temptation?
- Can you always overcome temptation?
- "And God is faithful, Who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able: But will make also with temptation issue, that you may be able to bear it." (1 Corinthians 10:13)
- What should you do when you are tempted?
- "And lead us not into temptation. But deliver us from evil." (1 Corinthians 10:13)
- How can you avoid temptations?
- What are actual graces?
- "My grace is sufficient for thee:
For power is made perfect in infirmity."
(2 Corinthians 12:9)
- Actual graces come and go, but Sanctifying Grace remains in the soul. Sanctifying Grace is LIFE; actual grace is HELP.
- Can you resist actual graces?
- "And we helping do exhort you, that you
receive not the grace of God in vain."
(2 Corinthians 6:1)
Lesson 13: Original Sin - "Wherefore as by one man sin entered into this world, and by sin death; and so death passed upon all men, in whom all have sinned... For as by the disobedience of one man, many were made sinners; so also by the obedience of one, many shall be made just." (Romans 5:12, 19)
- Read the first three chapters of Genesis.
Sin is any thought, word, desire, action, or neglect (omission) prohibited (forbidden) by the law of God.
To be guilty –
Two – mortal sin and venial sin.
A "big" sin, a serious violation of God's law.
It drives the Sanctifying Grace out of your soul.
You will go to Hell forever.
Yes, if you are truly sorry for them and do everything necessary for forgiveness.
A "small" sin, a less serious violation of God's law.
It does not drive out the Sanctifying Grace from your soul, but it does make you less pleasing to God.
You will go to Purgatory.
No. (Except that a series of similar small, recurring thefts from the same person amounts to one large theft and therefore can be a mortal sin.)
No, if it is through no fault of yours that you do not know it is wrong.
Yes, because even the intention to offend God is a sin.
You should not do it; otherwise, you will commit a mortal sin, because you show yourself willing to offend God seriously.
Temptation is an attraction to commit sin.
Yes, because no temptation can force you into sin, and God will always help you.
First, ask God to help you, and then, get busy doing something else.
Avoid all persons, places or things that may lead you into sin, and ask God for actual graces.
They are "helps" from God which enlighten the mind and strengthen the will to do good and avoid evil.
Unfortunately, yes, for you are free, and God does not force you to use them.
- What is Original Sin?
- Who were Adam and Eve?
- How did the sin of Adam affect the human race?
- Adam's nature became "fallen" through Original Sin, and we his descendants inherit his fallen nature.
- "By the disobedience of one man, many were made sinners." (Romans 5:19)
- What else did Adam's sin do?
- "For the imagination and thought of man's heart are prone to evil from his youth." (Genesis 8:21)
- Is Heaven still closed to the human race?
- "As in Adam all die, so also in Christ all shall be made alive." (1 Corinthians 15:22)
- What happened to the good people who died before Christ?
- "And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom. And the rich man also died: and he was buried in Hell." (Luke 16:22)
- How do you get rid of Original Sin and obtain Sanctifying Grace?
- "Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. (John 3:5)
- Was any human being preserved from Original Sin?
- "And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. (Luke 1:28)
The sin committed by Adam, the father of the human race. By Original Sin, Adam lost Sanctifying Grace.
The first man and woman, from whom every human being on this earth is descended.
Because of Adam's sin, every human being is created with Original Sin on his soul and without Sanctifying Grace, since Adam was the father of the human race.
The gates of Heaven were closed; disease, pain and death came into the world; the mind of man was darkened and his will was weakened.
No, because of Christ's death on the Cross, God reopened Heaven and made Sanctifying Grace available to man.
They went to Limbo, a place of natural happiness in the next world, and stayed there until Jesus ascended into heaven.
Baptism takes away Original Sin and put Sanctifying grace in your soul.
Yes, the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose soul was created with Sanctifying Grace in it. This is called the Immaculate Conception.
- From the way God punished the sin of Adam, it is clear that the sin was a serious one. If Adam had not committed it, there would have been no disease, pain or death. So, you can see what a terrible thing sin is in the eyes of God.
- Only unbaptized babies and unbaptized persons who never had the use of their minds go to Limbo now.
- Baptism does not restore the other gifts lost by Adam's sin, that is, freedom from pain, disease and death, and the perfect control over the lower nature.
- The Church teaches that the human race began with one man and one woman. Any scientific theory of man's biological origin must agree with this fact.
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