Miracles & Testimonies of the Rosary

  • While Saint Dominic was preaching the Holy Rosary in Carcassonne, a heretic made fun of the Miracles and the Fifteen Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. And this prevented other heretics from being converted. As a punishment God suffered Fifteen Thousand Devils to enter the man’s body.

His parents took him to Rev.Fr. Dominic to be delivered from the evil spirits, so Saint Dominic started to Pray and ask everyone to join him in the recitation of the Rosary

At Each Hail Mary, the Blessed Virgin Mary drove One Hundred Devils out of the man’s body and they came out in the form of red hot coals.

After He had been delivered, He felt very sorry for His former errors and was converted. He later joined The Rosary Confraternity, and other people around also joined the confraternity, after having moved by the Punishment and Powers of the Holy Rosary. 

  • James and other religious of His Order were zealously working to re-establish devotions to the Holy Rosary and also to erect a Rosary Confraternity in the city.

But unfortunately, two other Priests who were famous for their Preaching ability were jealous of the great influence James was impacting on the people, so they became jealous of His great preaching about the Holy Rosary. The two Priests spoke against this devotion whenever they had a chance and made many others not to join the Rosary Confraternity.

One of the Priests became determined to achieve His wicked end and He wrote down a Special Sermon against the Holy Rosary. He planned to deliver it the upcoming Sunday Mass, but on the Day for His Sermon, He was Nowhere to be found. The Parishioners waited for so long that they sent an elder to His house to check on Him, but when the Parishioner arrived at His house, He was found dead.

After the other Priest finish convincing Himself that the death of His colleague was due to nature call, He decided to carryout His friends plan and to deliver the
Sermon the following Sunday. In this way He planned to put an end to Rosary Confraternity in the Church.

The Day before His Sermon, as He was Preparing on how to deliver it, God stroke Him down with Paralysis which deprived Him of the use of both his Limbs and of His Power of Speech.

He later admitted His Sins and likewise that of His friend who is dead and immediately in His Heart of Heart, He silently besought the Blessed Virgin Mary to help Him. He promised Her that if only She would cure Him of this illness that He will Preach the Holy Rosary with the same zeal He had formerly Conceived to Condemn it. And He sought the Blessed Virgin Mary to restore His Power of Speech. And immediately He was instantaneously cured and He received his Speech back.

The Priest rose up like a New Soul, a Persecutor now a Defender of the Holy Rosary. He publicly acknowledged His former errors and ever after preached the wonders of the Most Holy Rosary with great zeal and Eloquence. And so many souls were converted and so many joined the Rosary Confraternity 


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