Loving Jesus and hating His Mother

The king of any kingdom will be so much pleased with those who adore his wife (queen). But he will be furious with all those who scorn his favourite.
Relating this to the heavenly point of view, the Christians of our time has so much neglected the Blessed Virgin Mary. They pretend to love God but hate his wife which can never be possible. If you love God, then you must take the Blessed Virgin Mary to be very important in your life.

I was talking with my separated sister and she told me these, “Why is it that we talk about Mary so much while in the bible she did not reign. And we Catholics give her more attention than God.”
Then I explained these for her “the Blessed Virgin Mary has been prepared by God in order that He may bless his people. Through her God came to live amongst us; and if you will remember the words of John the Baptise, “Jesus has to reign that others go down”. The Blessed Virgin Mary was not to reign at that time but God has made her reign in the later time.
Moving closer to the Mother of Jesus IS looking for Jesus; how can you love the son and hate the Mother, when you know the Mother and son are not to be separated.
If truly you do hate the Blessed Virgin Mary, then you must stop calling the Blood of Jesus; for my biological knowledge tells me that; the child in the womb shares everything of the mother, the foods, water, excretory system, respiratory system, placenta, blood, bones, flesh, name them!.

And if this biological proof is true, then the blood of Jesus is mixed with the blood of Mary, which in turn took part in my and your salvation on the cross of Calvary.
The Blessed Virgin Mary’s reign does not take anything away from God’s glory, instead it adds to His Glory. Remember, praising her is praising God and all praises, prayers, exaltation, glory, reverence rendered to her, she passes onto God, that was why in the gospel when Mary visited Elizabeth, at the greetings of Mary, in our understanding her presence alone, made Elizabeth to be filled with the Holy Spirit which also means; to find the Holy Spirit, you find Mary, you find Mary you find the Holy Spirit and anywhere she is welcomed, the Holy Spirit of God dwells.
Elizabeth shouted
“Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb” – WHO IS THE FRUIT OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY? The man Jesus Christ. Elizabeth did not stop there but also said “Who am I that the mother of my God should come to me? Trying to say she is not even worthy to receive or even for the Blessed Virgin Mary to visit her.  “OH” what a privilege she had.
After all these praises by Elizabeth to Mary, what did Mary say? Mary returned all these glories to the Almighty God through her beautiful song we Catholics call the Magnificent. God has already Cursed Mary to be called Blessed in all generations. Then why disobey God?
The Blessed Virgin Mary has been preserved by God to be His mother that was why she was given birth to Immaculate (Holy, Pure) – without any stain of original sin; sin flee from Her form the day she was born till the day she was Assumed into Heaven and is seated with the King of Glory.
God has never been known to live in dirty environment (sinful environment) that was why the bible tells us that “cleanliness is next to Godliness”- Hope you understand now the meaning of that bible passage.
The book of Luke also told us that during the presentation of Jesus in the temple. Holy Simeon took the child Jesus in his arms giving thanks to God. He gave back the child to Mary the mother and said “that the child will bring the rising and falling of many in Israel and a sign that will be spoke of, and also that the child will be great. Turning to Mary he said “A SWORD SHALL PIERCE YOU OWN HEART TOO, SO THAT THE TAUGHT OF MANY WILL BE REVEALED” – which means, Mary shares in the suffering of Jesus Christ on the cross of Calvary for our sake.
The Blessed Virgin Mary has always been interceding for us but we care not, though the beauty about it all is that; whatsoever we do to our mother at home, she is till our mother and can never despise us. The story about the wedding feast at Cana in which Jesus and Mary were both invited calls for understanding about the intercessory attributes of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Come to think of it, can you tell me what’s even her concern was if the wine got finished? Was she the one celebrating the wedding or even the one of the attendants? Yet she put all problems on herself and asked her son to take pity.
What did Jesus said to her, “WOMAN” which we are going to emphasize on later on. That His hour haven’t yet come, but the Mother Mary initiated His Miracle and Jesus never objected to it. This tells us that God never disobeyed His mother and would not permit others to do to His mother what he never did to her.
Coming to the word “WOMAN” which has been echoing since the beginning of the world. From Genesis down to Revelation. The bible tells us that the WOMAN will crush the head of the Serpent. In Jeremiah, “a WOMAN is protecting a man” was the vision Jeremiah saw. Isaiah saw a WOMAN bringing forth a child who will rule the world. In Revelation, John saw the same WOMAN cloth with the sun and the moon under her feet and also crowned with twelve stars. Showing her QUEENSHIP in Heaven. And that’s not all, John saw her give birth to a son, who will rule the world with an Iron rod (the Man Jesus Christ) – automatically, that Revelation is very clear to us that the WOMAN is the BLESSED VIRGIN MARY.
Jesus called her WOMAN for us to know who that WOMAN prophesied really is (HIS MOTHER)

 The Blessed Virgin Mary has always protected Jesus from infancy up to His death on the cross. She has all the knowledge of what will happen to his son from beginning to end, but the bible tells me that she pondered them all in her heart.
The Angel told Mary, that “the Holy Thing” she will be delivered of will be called Emmanuel which also means that Mary is HOLY.
Jesus said that a good tree cannot produce bad fruit and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. Therefore since Jesus is LIGHT, then Mary is the SOURCE OF LIGHT.
You will like to know the Meaning of MARY, wouldn’t you? Of course you do. MARY means (SELF LIGHT, LIGHT) – if Jesus is PEACE, Mary is the SOURCE OF PEACE – therefore to know Jesus more move closer to the SOURCE.  If Jesus is LIFE, Mary is the SOURCE FROM WHICH LIFE CAME INTO THE WORLD. And if God is the HOLIES OF HOLIES then Mary is the SANTURARY.
And also if the Holy Spirit overshadowed MARY and God dwell in Her then she is the ARK OF THE COVENANT.
No wonder, John in Revelation saw heaven open and saw the ARK of God; in the temple in heaven.
At that time Mary became the living tabernacle, the Covenant box of Old Testament became flesh as Mary. God was in the Covenant box and he chooses now to be in full flesh with his people; therefore making Mary His dwelling place; for he has said, therefore since Mary is now the New Covenant box; God wants to bless his people through Mary.
Remember, despising the Covenant box means despising the One (GOD) who lives inside it. Mary is Holy and the One (Christ) who lives in Her is called Holies of Holies; meaning Mary is a temple, a sanctuary, an altar of Grace. The bible says "A bad tree cannot bear good fruits" which also means "A good tree cannot bears bad fruits".-in the sense that Mary was a good person and gave us a good fruit Jesus Christ.
Remember, Uzziah died because he wanting to help the Covenant box from falling with his hands that are not pure; which also signifies that you will only be wasting your time trying to fight the Blessed Virgin Mary who is the tabernacle of Christ. For when Jesus was about to be brought forth into this world; He wanted to redeem Man and he was rejected by the INN-KEEPER at Jerusalem; for I know my bible tells me that when we accept Mary into our home, we welcome Jesus as well.
The INN-KEEPER would have been the first man ever to receive divine presence and glory, and blessing by accepting Christ into his home. He could have created history and be remembered by the people of our time. But because he refused the Virgin into his house he chased God's Presence and Holy Temple away. It goes a long way to show us that, The Blessed Virgin Mary carries God with her every where she goes; why not accept this divine blessing and favour and be saved. Mary loves you but why hate her. It baffles me to ever imagine that someone will hate the Mother of God-sometimes I cannot understand the mystery behind it. But not until I read the bible and it clarified me about these arguments.
For it was not today these war started- even during the time of Herod, the devil had wanted to eliminate everything just to create history. Revelation 12 explains everything in details:-
For John has now realized the True Covenant Box of God; the bible says in Revelation- "God's temple in heaven was opened, and the Covenant Box was seen there. Then there were flashes of lightening, rumblings and peals of thunder, an earthquake, and heavy hail". Then he went further to say "Then a great and mysterious sight appeared in the sky. There was a woman, whose dress was the sun and who had the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head."
At this point, let us echo more on that; John saw the Covenant Box and later a Super Being which means the Covenant Box was the Super Being; therefore realizing who the Covenant Box was; for even all the Disciples of Jesus never knew Mary as Thus, not until now they are all not in the world but in heaven receiving heavenly bliss and paying their respect and honour to God. Mary was clothed with the sun, meaning she is light. No wonder Mary means "LIGHT" and since the bible says a "bad tree cannot bear a good fruit"; It shows that Mary is also a LIGHT giving birth to LIGHT, that is why Jesus said “I am the light of the World”.
The Moon was under her feet, showing her total control of space, No wonder the devil cannot and can never rest; for what He  never acquired by Obedience, Mary acquired by Her Obedience and Humility. And the bible says a crown of twelve stars was she wearing on her head; showing her Queen ship and Royalty before the throne of God. The Blessed Virgin Mary is the Queen of Heaven, No wonder the bible says in Psalm 45:9 "Among the ladies of your court are daughters of kings, and on the right of your throne stands the QUEEN wearing ornaments of finest gold." that means, My bible teaches me there are only two people on the throne; if we believe in the TRINITY which is One God and the Blessed Virgin Mary, for she is the Mother of Heaven.

You might want to know why people despise this WOMAN. I will tell you. Remember, in Revelation the Serpent chased that WOMAN down to earth; but since he couldn’t meet her, the Serpent became furious with her and went out to her other seeds or descendants, which the bible described in book of Revelation as THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN THE MESSAGE OF JESUS CHRIST (you and me)
The Holy Rosary prayed or recited by Catholics is not to be overlooked or criticized – let me ask you a question. What part of the prayers in the Holy Rosary should be abolished? Is it the OUR FATHER (by Jesus Christ) or the Angelic Salutation (by God the Father). Think my brothers and sisters in Christ.
If the Rosary is made up principally of these two prayers, then it is the most effective prayer in the world and should be clung unto. The rosary was brought down from heaven by the Blessed Virgin Mary for the salvation of souls, to bring closer believers to God. To stop Corruption and Immoralities in the World of ours.
Yes Catholics adore Mary but not taking her to be God. For she is the Queen, princess and daughter and servant and mother of God. What a Mystery! If we welcome the Blessed Virgin Mary we welcome the HOLY TRINITY for God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit dwells in the Blessed Virgin Mary; Oh! What a great woman she is.
The Blessed Virgin Mary is powerful in virtues and likes; she is the PERFECT IMAGE of God’s Creatures. It is Her like God wanted us to be when He first created Humanity; all of us. The Blessed Virgin Mary has been pronounced by God to be FULL OF GRACE. That was why the bible says COME TO THE THRONE OF GRACE, OH COME TO THE HEART MOST PURE WHEN GRACE ABOUNDS.
Baruch described the Blessed Virgin Mary for us to understand yet we neglect all these parts of the bible. So as to suit our human little wisdom. Remember, the bible also said “all scriptures are given by the inspiration of God.”
Who has found her place? And who has entered her store houses? But he who knows all things knows her; he found her by her His understanding. He who prepared the earth for all time filled it with four-footed creatures, he who sends forth the light and it goes, called it, and it obeyed Him in fear, the stars shone in their watches and were glad; he called them and the said ”Hell we are!” they shone with gladness for Him who made them. This is our God; no other can be compared to Him! He found the whole way to knowledge and gave her to Jacob his servant and to Israel whom He loved. Afterwards, SHE APPEARED UPON EARTH AND LIVED AMONG MEN. SHE IS THE BOOK OF THE COMMANDMENT OF GOD, AND THE LAW THAT ENDURES FOR EVER. All who hold her fast will live, an those who forsake her will die. Turn, O Jacob, and take her wall towards the shinning of Her Light. Do not give your glory to another, or your advantages to an alien people. Happy are we, O Israel, for we know what is pleasing to God.”
You may pretend to love God and love the Blessed Virgin Mary by mouth. But I tell you, it is even more than hatred, because you don’t want to know anything about her. Anything about Her does not interest you.
Have you ever thought of how God in those days, among every Virgins, chose the Blessed Virgin Mary to be His Mother. That is why She is usually called the Virgin of all Virgins. Mary herself knows about the events that  will take place; her son will be killed and she pondered it in her heart. Imagine her going for thanksgiving and Holy Simeon told her that her child will bring the fall and rising of many in Israel, and that a sword will pierce through her own soul too.

Mary did not say I forbid it, but she pondered it in her heart of hearts. For Mary is honoured not only by Mere men but also by Angels and Saints in Heaven. No wonder the Archangel Gabriel greeted her with the title “HAIL”, The Angels knew her name was called Grace and Favour. That was why the message for God came to her as thus “Hail Full of Grace” or “Hail Highly Favoured One”.

The bible said, “The Lord is with you, Blessed are you among all women”. Which simply means; God has searched into this wide world of ours and found no one but Mary and that was why the Jesus said “I thank you Father for you needed no other sacrifices for you have prepared a body for me”.

Praising the Blessed Virgin Mary and adoring her virtuous life is thanking God for giving us His Mother to be also our Mother.
Some protestant also said, God just used Mary and nothing else. Oh! I say to the person that once told me this “God’s ways can never be our ways, our human and mortal and even evil thinking is only limited around the world. Do you expect God to do same as we Mortals do? Marrying a wife an after the women delivers you abandon her because you have achieved your aim and purpose of marrying the woman.
What thinking! Go d can never be like men, that was why he has never abandoned his wife but not only not abandoning her; He made her known in this world and world to come. AMEN.
Or don’t you know that loving and adoring the Blessed Virgin Mary is killing the Devil? Who hates her with so much passion and will draw others to his cabinets, who sits and plans on how to dishonour this HOLY VIRGIN.
So therefore, I wouldn’t be surprised to notice what is really going on in our world today.
As for me I love what the Devil hates and hates what he likes. And I believe God also do same by hating what the Devil likes and by loving everything the Devil hates and will scorn.
The Devil will ever be so furious so we humans do when someone else takes our position in life. How will you fill if someone should take up your position due to your disobedient?  You would not stop until you have brought that person down. But I tell you, if you are so strong in the love of the Blessed Virgin Mary, then the Devil brings temptations to you, never fear for the God of Heaven and Earth is always fighting these battles.
For the world will dislike her, why follow the world. Follow the Gospel just as we always say.
Do not let the devil take chances; for He has vowed in the book of revelations to come after the others of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Descendants. The devil is mean in putting confusion into the minds of the present; his intention was to make generations despise the Blessed Virgin Mary and make Her popularity dies in generations upon generations.
Jesus sent forth the Holy Spirit upon us who brings the knowledge about salvation in this world. And these messages are true and could be trusted. I will always recite the Holy Rosary and even if it is all I know, because, it contains everything I will ever need for my salvation.
And every other prayer apart from these two prayers is for ourselves.
Why dislike the Rosary. If the Holy Rosary is for the peace and unity of the world and to fight against vices and evils, immoralities and all nonsense we do on earth these days and for our salvation. AND YOU FIGHT AGAINST IT.
Then you are the enemy of good things, for the Rosary is recorded in the bible. And has been brought down to us from heaven.
Caution wearing of the Holy Rosary and Holy Scapular prevents one from doing what is not right in the eyes of the HOLY ONE who sees all things. His eyes are ten thousand times brighter than the sun.
The bible described her highness first and it went further to show us more about this woman with crown; her other part of life which she lived here on earth because, she was in heaven as a queen and a covenant box but has come as God has commanded to her as flesh. The bible says “she was soon to give birth and the pains and suffering of childbirth made her cry out”.
Now John saw and said "Another mysterious sight appeared in the sky. There was a huge red dragon with seven heads and ten horns. With his tail he dragged a third of the stars out of the sky and threw them down to the earth. He stood in front of the woman in order to eat her child as soon as it was born" the bible went further to say "The she gave birth to a son, who will rule over all nations with an iron rod”.
Let us pause a while, who in the bible was told of that will rule this world with an iron rod? Jesus Christ. Good. Thank you. So it is then beyond reasonable doubt that the person or rather WOMAN the book of Revelation was describing is the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The devil knows about the savior but wanted to kill him as a child when he knows he can do it as the child was still an Infant; No wonder doing the temptation of Jesus, the devil could not even hurt him; for he is not even capable of seeing him; that was why he did attempted to when Jesus was still an infant, because the devil knew, if the child was to grow up, he will not be able to touch him any longer.
But because God is great, the devil never had any chance given to him; although God did allowed him to try his best of best so as to tell him that "HEY MR DEVIL YOU NO REACH". Now the bible continued "But the child was snatched away and taken to God and his throne. The woman fled to the desert, to a place God had prepared for her, where she will be taken care of for 1,260 days."
Listen to this, the Covenant Box has been transformed and taken into the world to stay; The Blessed Virgin Mary was sent to run away from the serpent; remember, during creation of Human beings, God has already destined a WOMAN to give birth to a child "Jesus" who will destroy the devil; and the devil was furious and even mistook EVE for that woman; and he deceived EVE just to make God's glory in man falls. That was why the bible says in Roman 3:23 "For all have sinned and fallen short of God's Glory" which comes from the beginning of time, for EVE was the Mother of everything that lived, so the trend follows us her children.
No wonder, when God said the WOMAN shall crush your head, the Devil laughed in his mind saying "OH, MAKE I HEAR WORD, WHO HE COME DEY TALK ABOUT NOW AGAIN. NA THIS ONE WEY I DON FINISH, MAKE I HEAR WORD". But now he has finally seen the woman face to face. And the bible says "Then war broke out in heaven, Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, who fought back with his angels; but the dragon was defeated and he and his angels were not allowed to stay in heaven any longer. The huge dragon was thrown out- that ancient serpent, called the devil, or Satan, that deceived the whole world. He was thrown down to earth, and all his angels with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, "Now God's salvation has come! Now God has shown his power as King! Now his Messiah has shown his authority! For the one who stood before our God and accused our brothers and sisters day and night has been thrown out of heaven. Our brothers and sisters won the victory over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the truth which thy proclaimed; and they were willing to give up their lives and die.
And so be glad, you heavens, and all you that live there! But how terrible for the earth and the sea! For the Devil has come down to you, and he is filled with rage, BECAUSE HE KNOWS THAT HE HAS ONLY A LITTLE TIME LEFT.
You must note this THE DEVIL HAS ONLY BUT A FEW TIME LEFT let’s see what will be his next action will be as a consolation for his yet to be non- existence.
The bible says "When the dragon realized that he had been thrown down to the earth, he began to pursue the Woman who has given birth to the boy. She was given the two wings of a large eagle in order to fl to her place in the desert, where she will be taken care of for three and a half years, safe from the dragon's attack.
Just a minute please the two wings of the great bird eagle which signifies strength, for we know what type of bird the eagle is. She flew, but when the devil saw that he cannot reach her, the bible says "And then form his mouth the dragon poured out a flood of water after the woman, so that it would carry her away”. But HALLELUYIA the bible says "But the earth helped the woman; it opened its mouth and swallowed the water that had come from the dragon's mouth”.
Listen to these, the flood which came forth out of the devil mouth signifies all the blasphemies, insult, curses, spites and so on which we who despise The Blessed Virgin Mary utter every day. The Earth which opens its mouth to swallow this flood are the children of this woman and believers who loved and cherish The Blessed Virgin Mary as God cared and loved her that he has to protect her from this Serpent.
It further means that each time we lay insult, blasphemies etc on the Blessed Virgin Mary; there are people in this world who always correct those insults by revealing the truth and making The Blessed Virgin Mary Reign.
And the bible went further to say "The dragon was furious with the woman and went off to fight against the rest of her descendants, all those who obey God's commandments and are faithful to the truth revealed by Jesus. And the dragon stood on the seashore." Oh even the devil knows that you are the seed of Mary that is why he is finding way for you to disrespect her as he has done. For you cannot be a true son and daughter of God if you are not the seed of the Blessed Virgin Mary. AND because you are the daughter or son of this great woman that is why the devil in now in the world to make other join in his battle to kick away the existence and reign of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Or didn't you read what the devil did as soon as he was thrown out of heaven? He went for the woman and He won't rest until he has also found people who will be for him in this fight.
Now I ask you, do you hate what the devil hates? Or hate what God loves? Or likes what God hates? Or hate what God hates? Or Like what God likes? Which do you belong to? Please send your answers as comments on this page.
Brothers and sisters, God loves Mary and the bible tells us that Jesus beloved Mother was with him, showing the love, so how dare you hat what God loves and joins the devil's battle. Or haven't you read that "who is not for God is against him". And God has given us a commandment and an order that from now on all generations will call Mary BLESSED through her beautiful song. And since the Angelic Salutation is not of human writing nor the Our Father.
These two prayers as Christians are supposed to be our prayers forever. For they contain every needs and salvation of a True Christian.
Oh how I love to say them with you.



Tell me friends in Christ, what is wrong in these two prayers, point them out and state your reasons to challenge God's Words. As for me I obey God and I do not know about you.
For God honored Mary first, and I will do same what God has done. Because for God to praise and salute one means, that person is something else beyond our human reasoning and I will be grateful if you do same.
For God cannot say to you hate my mother, it is never possible. So try to resist this devil that has entered the heart of so many people in this world to join him in his own fight. Resist this devil for he is a liar forever.
If by chance your conscience is burdened with sin, take your Rosary and say at least part of it, honoring some of the mysteries of the life, Passion or glory of our lord Jesus Christ, and be sure that, while you are meditating upon these mysteries and honoring them He will show his sacred wound to His Father in heaven, He will plead for you and will obtain for you contrition and the forgiveness of your sins.
Ever since the devil was crushed by the humility and passion of Jesus Christ he has been very nearly unable to attack a soul that is armed with meditation on the mysteries of Our Lord’s Life, and, if he does trouble such a soul, he is sure to be shamefully defeated.
Put you on the armor of God. So arm yourselves with the Arms of God-with the Holy Rosary and you will crush the devil’s head and you will stand firm in t he face of all his temptation. This is why even the material Rosary itself is such a terrible thing for the devil, and, why the saints have used it to enchain devils and to chase them out of the bodies of people who were possessed.
One day Our Lady revealed to Blessed Alan that, after the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which is the most important as well as the living memory of Our Blessed Lord’s Passion there could not possibly be a finer devotion or one of greater merit than that of the Holy Rosary, which is like a second memorial and representation of the life and passion of our Lord Jesus Christ.
If it be that, by the Hail Mary, God took Flesh and dwell among us; the lame were healed; the blind saw, the deaf heard; the dead rose back to life- then that is the prayer I will continue to say all through my life.
If by honoring whom God honored; praising Mary whom God Praised; adoring Mary whom God adored; obeying whom God obeyed; showing respect to Mary whom God showed respect to; praying to whom God has made queen over heaven; - be that I be punished for all this then let it be so. However, I was practicing what God did. So tell me do you think God punish those who imitate him? My brothers and sisters think twice.
God has instructed us to pray thus “OUR FATHER” therefore meaning any time we pray this prayer all our physical and spiritual needs are being taken care of.
It is by reciting the Holy Rosary that we are placed in remembrance of  Jesus passion and  feel sorry for our sins, because these mysteries of the passion of Jesus restores us back to the father.
It is but the greatest joy to God that we his people honor, console and adore his sorrowful passion. So therefore, the Rosary is for no other reason than to honor, bless, console, worship etc the Lord. To remember His sorrowful passion through our meditations of the mysteries, to remember His birth into this world and also His glorious resurrection and ascension into heaven.
So my brothers and sisters I do not see anything wrong in you picking up your own Rosary right now. The Hail Mary is a heavenly prayer, the Our Father is given to us by God himself – also is the Hail Mary.
Therefore, I ask you, have you witnessed the recitation of the Holy Rosary, and found out that there were prayers that are offensive to God? That is not of God? That does not Glorify God? That does not praise his Holy Name?
Then comment on this page.
ou always say that Catholics know no other prayers or know how to pray than just every day saying the Hail Mary; also that Catholics are always slow in their Prayers, which they pray sluggishly etc.
But I tell you, the Lord God demands nothing from you than a pure, fervent and humble spirit; Catholics do pray more than you can ever imagine, saying prayers that moves the spirit from earth to heaven, uniting them with the saints and angels in heaven to worship God. Prayers that touch the soul and weakens the hardened of hearts.
But not other who are proud of themselves or their prayers or even the intensity of their voices. Do you think praying harshly helps you? I will call it blabbing prayers because you yourself do not meditate or even know what you are saying. Or are you shouting for God? If NO then why are you raising your voices so high in prayer? I am not talking of worship and praises but prayers. Or don’t you know that in prayer we commune with GOD THE ALMIGHTY?
Let me ask you a question, have you seen a true Catholic Pray; O my God; you will feel so very much sorry for your sins and your entire living. Catholics prayers are mainly to – Purify ones soul, to save one from enemies of the soul, to merit heaven at the end on one’s life in this world, to adore God, to worship Him and Him alone, to honor God’s wounds those He acquired during His sorrowful Passion, to thank Him for life and to ask Him to do more, to honor the Blessed Mother of God, to ask Her to pray for us, to the Angels and Saints we ask to present our prayers as purified incense to God, for total Contrition of Sins, for deliverance from  Purgatory all those Holy souls that are yet to be purified by God’s purifying fire, for world peace, and so on and so forth.
I do not see anything wrong in these prayers and why they should be shouted in the Ears of God; but to ask in a humble and contrite spirit and a sinner or an exile returning home to God. We do say prayer is the key and is not by shouting that it becomes effective. For even in the bible King David, Isaiah, Jeremiah and so many other prophets have prayed and never shouted but in a humble and repentant way, so why now will we shout our own prayers as if we are wholly pure and can stand the presence of Angels, Saints, then talk more less of the ALL SUPREME, THE ALMIGHTY GOD, THE IMMORTAL MORTAL, THE EVER LASTING FATHER, THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE.
So my brothers and sisters, while you pray to God, pray through the heart in a humble manner, feeling sorry for all your sins and asking for Mercy. Because your sins are the cause of your failure and nothing else. And God in his infinite Mercy will show you love.

In order to pray well, it is not enough to give expression to our petitions by means of that most excellent of all prayers, the Rosary, but we must also pray with real concentration for God listens more to the voice of the heart than of the mouth. To be guilty of willful distractions during prayer would show a great lack of respect and reverence; it would make our rosaries fruitless and would make us guilty of sin.
How can we expect God to listen to us if we ourselves do not pay attention to what we are saying? How can we expect Him to be pleased if, while in the presence of His tremendous Majesty, we give in to distractions just as children run after butterflies? People who do this forfeit Almighty God’s blessings which are then changed into curses because they have been praying disrespectfully. “Cursed be he that does the work of the Lord deceitfully.”
Of course, you cannot possibly say your Rosary without having a few involuntary distractions and it is hard to say even an Hail Mary without your imagination troubling you a little. The one thing you can do, however, is to say your Rosary without giving in to distractions deliberately and you can take all sorts of precautions to lessen involuntary distractions and control your imagination.
With this in mind put yourself in the presence of God and imagine that Almighty God and  His Blessed Mother are watching you and that your Guardian Angel is standing at your right hand, taking your Hail Marys, if they are well said, and using them like roses to make crowns for Jesus and Mary. But remember that at your left hand lurks the devil ready to pounce upon every Hail Marys, that comes his way and to write it down in his deadly note-book. And be sure that he will snatch every single one of your Hail Marys that you have not said attentively, devoutly and with reverence.
Above all, do not forget to offer up each decade in honour of one of the mysteries and while you are saying it try to form a picture in your mind of Jesus and Mary in connection with this Mystery.
When the Rosary is well said, it gives Jesus and Mary more glory and it is more meritorious for the soul than any other prayer. But it is also the hardest prayer to say ell and to persevere in, owing especially to the distractions which almost inevitably attend the constant repetition of the same words.
When we say the little office of our Lady, or the seven penitential psalms, or any prayers other than the rosary, the variety of words and expressions keeps us alert, prevents our imaginations form wandering, and so make it easier for us to say them well. On the contrary, because of the contest repetition of the same our father and Hail Mary in the same unvarying form, it is difficult, while saying the Rosary, not to become wearied and inclined to sleep or to turn to other prayers that are more refreshing and less tedious. This goes to show that one needs much greater devotion to persevere in saying the Holy Rosary than in saying any other prayer, even the Psalms of David.
Our imagination, which is hardly still a minute, makes our task harder and then of course there is the devil that never stops distracting until you are overcome. So all of you servants and handmaids of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, who have made up your minds to say the Rosary every day, be of good heart. Do not let flies (the distractions that make war on you during prayer) make you cowardly abandon the company of Jesus and Mary, in whose Holy presence you always are when saying the Rosary. In what follows I shall give you suggestion for getting rid of distractions.

To what ends does not the evil ones go against us while we are engaged in saying our Rosary against him.

Being human, we easily become tired and slipshod-but the devil makes these difficulties worse when we are saying the Rosary. Before we even begin he makes us feel bored, distracted or exhausted-and when we have started praying he oppresses us from all sides. And when, after much difficulty and many distractions, we have finished, he whispers to us “What you have just said is worthless. It’s useless for you to say the Rosary. You had better get on with other things. It’s only a waste of time to pray without paying attention to what you’re saying; half an hour meditation or some spiritual reading would be much better. Tomorrow when you’re not feeling so sluggish you will pray better; don’t finish your rosary until tomorrow.”

By tricks of this kind the devil gets us to give up the Rosary altogether or else hardly say it at all, and we keep putting it off or else change to some other devotion.
Dear Rosary Confraternity members, do not listen to the devil, but be a good heart even if your imagination has been bothering you throughout your Rosary, filling your mind with all kinds of distracting thoughts-as long as you really tried hard to get rid of them as soon as they came. Always remember that the best Rosary is the one with the most merit, and there is more merit in praying when it is hard than when it is easy. Prayer is all the harder when it is (Naturally speaking) distasteful to the soul and is filled with those annoying little ant. And flies running about in your imagination, against your will, and scarcely allowing you the time to enjoy a little peace, and appreciate the beauty of what you are saying.

Even if you have to fight distractions all through your whole Rosary be sure to fight well, arms in hand; that is to say, do not stop saying your Rosary even if it is hard to say and you have absolutely no sensible devotion. It is a terrible battle, ;I know, but one that is profitable to the faithful soul, if you put down your arms, that is ,if you give up the Rosary, you will be admitting defeat and then, having won, the devil will leave you alone.
          But on the Day of Judgment he will taunt you because of your faithlessness and lack of courage. “He that is faithful in that which is least, is faithful also in that which is greater. He who fight even the smallest distractions faithfully when he says even the very smallest prayer he will also be faithful in great things. We can be absolutely certain of this because the Holy Spirit has told us so”.
It is but a great joy to see oneself in service of the Lord. Serve the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind and all your soul. God is supreme and knows everything about you, because, He  is Omniscience. God can do and undo all difficult situation each of us finds ourselves, because, God is Omnipotent. God can see every little breeze in our minds, hearts, what we do in broad day light and in darkness, what you conceal in the heart to do and what you are doing right now, because, He is Omnipresent.

It is not by condemning other peoples religion, that makes you a child of God. You who condemns the Muslims, have you tried to have knowledge about their religion? Have you made meticulous researches about this religion? If NO then try to find out before judging. Or are you not the same person who always quote the bible passage that ask us not to judge that we ourselves may not be judged?
Worship the Lord God with a pure and sincere heart; come to him to save you from your sins. Surely, you may not be holy as the Lord wants you to be, but you can make effort to put all evils behind you. When you sin against God, go on your knees that very moment and ask him to forgive you. Do not wait for tomorrow, or tomorrow may be too late.

One cannot stop the prevailing or rampant urge to sin each day that passes by, but one can still understands that even as he/she is into the act of a sin, one knows it is an evil thing to do. Though you may have started already before you realize, so why continue at that moment. It is of your greatest point of damnation, pull out of it and stop immediately and go down straight on your knees, telling God you have sinned against him despite the free life God has given you, telling him you realized your faults and accepts your mistakes. Pray for forgiveness at that very moment you realizes you are into sin.

The devil may have drawn your attention into looking at what is considered sin or out of immorality, and you will agree with me that anything contradicting to morality is immorality. If you notice it at the moment before acting, then do not act, praying to overcome temptation.

Our God is holy and has made us his own, since he is holy, He demands holiness from each one of us. But we will be right to say, we cannot be all holy since, we are all in  a sinful world, a world full of immorality, a world of ungodliness, a world full of evil and devilish acts. However, remember the bible passage which asks us to come out and be ye separate. Separated from immorality, separated from evil act, devilish behavior and all other unheard of evils.

At this very bible passage, some protestant churches miss interpreted it. As being taught to them by their pastors, as going out of the Catholic Church because it is evil and forming theirs that is right. But now you can see the true meaning of that bible passage “BE YE SEPARATE”

In this our time, lots of serious immoralities has crammed the world and now ubiquitously. It always beat my imagination to ask you, or can you guess who and who are involved in this serious evil discipline as their priority? The capital answer to this very question is the CHRISTIANS. 99.9% of the world most deadliest sins are done by people who call themselves Christians. The thieves, kidnappers, hired killers, fornicators, murderers, homosexual, lesbians, adulterous, gay. Name them. These are still people who call themselves True Christians. Tell me where did they learn those things from, is it from their various places of worship? Or haven’t they been taught morals?

I was discussing with a protestant brother about the Blessed Virgin Mary and he made mention of Morality. He said “Morality alone cannot take one to heaven”. Then I asked him, what then will take one to heaven and he replied “Only if you believe in Jesus Christ”. I laughed and said all these people you see today, haven’t they believed in Jesus? How then you said if you believe only in Jesus. One can believe in Jesus and still be an evil person but one who is taught and socked in morality will overcome grievous sins which of course will condemn him in Hell Fire. He/she who is moral will behave well, and finding him/herself in the midst of evil people, will always do as the bible has said earlier on “COME OUT AND BE YE SEPARATE’

What God demands of us is morality and the bible tells us that God hates immorality; how can you be serving God and devil at a time-the devil will not stop tempting God’s people and making them immoral-in the bible God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of immorality in the land-God destroyed the world during the time of Noah because of the immoralities of the people of earth. Today we Christians, condemns and preach against Sodom and Gomorrah and how God destroyed the ungodly people then. Yet still, we indulge in the same act, the same situation, and the same thing which triggered God’s anger upon Sodom and Gomorrah- why then should you say God shouldn’t destroy this world now.

Tell me if God should destroy our evil world now, where will you find your soul? Where will you stand? Where will you be? Which group will you find yourself? These are questions we need to ask ourselves. Are we going to be condemned or exonerated at last?

Strive to live a holy life and see how sweet it is. People say life is sweet, why because of the immoral acts; YES they may be right to say life is sweet, because, serving God with a sincere heart is sweet and doing evil that gives you pleasure is sweet but the differences is the pleasure of evil is only to the flesh which will soon be condemned and the immorality of the flesh spreads into the soul of that person.

The Blessed Virgin Mother Of God was indulged in morality that God was forced to say to her “Hail full of grace, I am with you, you are blessed among every woman.” How blessed she was and a moral woman that it spread and illuminated into her down to her system and Elizabeth on seeing Mary her Cousin (which was supposed  to visit her regularly) said to Mary “Oh who am I that the mother of my God should come to me, blessed is the fruit of your womb.” 

It was because of Mary’s morality that made Jesus said “I thank you father for you needed no other sacrifices but you have prepared a body for me”. Remember the bible said Jesus took flesh from Mary and dwelt among us therefore making OUR MOTHER MARY an instrument of our salvation. Jesus took a True and Moral flesh from Mary.
Call onto God the Holy Spirit for help-say prayers for your soul-prayers that sublimes, not lip service or shouted prayers that makes you hear only the sound of your pitch.
To continue in evil is like loving death. The Lord our God do not want us to die and even He enjoys seeing us live a long life. But our sins against him shortens our life each minute and seconds that passes by- to persevere in righteousness is like eating the fruit of life which God has hidden from Adam and Eve.

God wants all, not even all soul but every single soul he created to be with Him in heaven when they are finally called out of this earth. God loves every single soul his son bought for his blood. God never enjoys us die, he wants us to life a spiritual life and not the life and pleasures of the flesh. No wonder the bible says “Be soldiers of the church of God which he bought with his own blood”. How true it is.

Many of us has destroyed the living magma of God’s spiritual gift in us, through our sinful nature-we do sin against the Holy Spirit every day that passes by-OR did we not know that the sin concerning the flesh is a sin against God’s Holy Spirit? Have you forgotten so soon that the bible says our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and how dare you defile the temple of the Holy Spirit.-the Spirit of God lives right inside of us-thereby sanctifying our bodies and making it purer in the sight of God Almighty-but we chase the spirit of God away through the sins of the flesh.

When you are into the act of fornicating or adultery, the spirit of God leaves you the very moment you neglected his reprimands not to indulge in such sinful act- and as soon as the Holy Spirit of God abandons you, the devil chips in right inside of you, urging you to carry out your plans which eventually you will Secom to it and finds yourself sinning against God.

But there is still little chance, because, the devil is not the owner of our souls, and since the devil cannot hurt the soul means that one’s soul is superior than the devil. Immediately speak to your soul, he will listen to you. Your soul will only not listen to you anymore if you have the grip of first fear and reprimands and you do not think about it at once to stop.

Try to kill evil thoughts that comes to your minds every day- thinking of immorality brings you to the very act of the sin you wish to commit-though you are not in the present form, but, it is the same as being in the act. So once you have that very thought of ungodly reasoning, try hard to fight and bring the pictures of Jesus into your thinking. And finally, pray for forgiveness of that sin at that very moment you stopped.
Try always to be at peace with God-be like David who always approaches the throne of God’s grace and mercy. David sinned against God a lot and each time he sins he prays for forgiveness- and David is considered holy by God- so we should try as hard as possible to always confess our sins before God Almighty.

Live a peaceful life, a life without trouble of any kind, be a t peace with every one, a life of holiness is very important. Do not be deceived by so many people who says come Christ is here and he is there-for it is by living a moral, peaceful, holy and faithful life that makes you know Christ better, because, one cannot be a moral, spiritual and dedicated person and be displeasing in the sight of God-he will not indulge in any form of grievous sins and despise God. On the other hand- one can accept Jesus as his Lord and savior (as if a lip service) and still yet indulge in immoral behaviors-he may be seriously praising God everyday but his heart is immoral and the bible says God hates immoral people- so therefore mind your ACTS.

We are not the owner of our own body in two major ways- one of which we were bought for God by the blood of his son Jesus Christ the Lamb of God-then second being, we were saved by God and protected and provided for, meaning we owe him our life. Why then do you demoralize your being? As if you are the owner. You engage yourselves in sins of the flesh- or have you forgotten so soon that our bodies is the temple of the Holy Spirit? WATCH.

For me I do not believe any one of us will to Hell Fire, because, God loves us so much that he bought us for a price-but it is no room for us to go against God. For Hell Fire is the place for the devil and all his incarnates, for the wicked- are you wicked? Are you one of the devil’s incarnate? If NO why deceiving the world? Why engaging into sins? Why killing the innocent?

Take care in reading this Jeremiah prophesy 4:31
“For I have heard a voice as of a woman in travail, and the anguish as of her that bringeth forth her first child, the voice of the daughter of Zion, that bewaileth herself, that spreadeth her hands, saying, Woe is me now! for my soul is wearied because of murderers.”
Take care in reading this Micah 4:10
Be in pain, and labour to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail: for now shalt thou go forth out of the city, and thou shalt dwell in the field, and thou shalt go even to Babylon; there shalt thou be delivered; there the LORD shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies.
Micah 4:8
And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.
Micah 4:6:7
In that day, saith the LORD, will I assemble her that halteth, and I will gather her that is driven out, and her that I have afflicted;
And I will make her that halted a remnant, and her that was cast far off a strong nation: and the LORD shall reign over them in mount Zion from henceforth, even for ever.
Micah 4:11-12
Now also many nations are gathered against thee, that say, Let her be defiled, and let our eye look upon Zion.
But they know not the thoughts of the LORD, neither understand they his counsel: for he shall gather them as the sheaves into the floor.
Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion: for I will make thine horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass: and thou shalt beat in pieces many people: and I will consecrate their gain unto the LORD, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth.
Micah 4:1
But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the LORD shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it.
Micah 4:2
And many nations shall come, and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

Shalom to you.


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