Questions asked & its Biblical answers

The Protestants always ask these questions: here are the questions and also the answers to the questions.

  • Why do Catholics elevate Mary to a goddess?

Catholics don’t believe that Mary is a goddess.  She has no power of her own.  She acknowledges in Luke 1:47 that God is her Savior. However, Catholics do believe Mary when she said in Luke 1:46 that her “soul magnifies the Lord.”  Mary’s soul is still very much alive, and is still magnifying the Lord, which is a very good and holy thing.  Mary was chosen by God the Father to be the living tabernacle, the Holy of Holies, to contain the Word Made Flesh, Jesus. Jesus himself was obedient to her (Luke 2:51). If it's good enough for Jesus to be obedient to Mary, then it's good enough for his servants also.  No servant is greater than his Master (John 13:16)Jesus said that you shall know a tree by its fruit, (Luke 6:44) and Jesus is the fruit of Mary's womb ( Luke 1:42), which means that Mary, while not divine, was certainly created  and remained pure and holy, because a rotten tree cannot bear good fruit.

  • Isn’t saying the Hail Mary prayer worshiping Mary?

The definition of the verb "to pray" means "to ask," Not “to worship”.  People who say the Hail Mary do not worship Mary, any more than Gabriel did when he told Mary “Hail full of grace(Luke 1:28), and Elizabeth did when she said “Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus”, Luke 1:42).

  •  Isn’t repetitious prayer considered to be sinful, according to the Bible?

     No! Revelation 4:8 makes that very clear. Vain prayer to false pagan gods, and not praying from the heart, is what is forbidden in Matthew 6:7.  Telling Mary you love her and asking for her help and intercession is what is commanded by Paul in 1Timothy 2:1 as being good and acceptable in the sight of God.  It is no different than professing love for your spouse over and over again.  And speaking of the fallacy of God hearing you through many words, has anyone ever listened to protestant prayers before meals, for healing, and for other things?  Sometimes they go on and on and on and on.... 

  •      Isn’t it forbidden by the bible to conjure up dead people?

     Yes, it is forbidden in Deuteronomy 18:10, as are all Occultic practices.  Saul did this to Samuel in 1Samuel 28.  However, no one who says the Hail Mary is trying to conjure her up to obtain secret information like Saul did. Jesus Himself talked to the very "dead" Moses and Elijah at the Transfiguration of Christ (Matthew 17:2-3), so it is NOT a sin to talk to those who have gone before us, because Jesus never committed a sin and talked to dead people.  And, according to Jesus in Matthew 22:32, God is not the God of the dead, but of the living, so that means that people in heaven like Mary aren't dead, but alive in Christ. People who pray to Mary are only asking for her to pray to Jesus WITH them. Mary is not “between” us and God, but is rather “alongside” of us in her prayers.  Mary was not only the first Christian; She was also the first Evangelist.

  •     Isn’t Mary dead?  How can she possibly hear our prayers?
     No, all souls ever created are alive somewhere. Only atheists believe that dead people are no longer alive. Dead in the body is not dead in the soul.  Jesus tells us in Matthew 22:32 that “God is not the God of the dead, but of the LIVING.” In Luke 20:36, the Bible says that “saints in heaven are EQUAL to the angels”, and we all know angels can hear and intercede for us and are God's messengers as well. In Revelation 12, St. John says that he sees Mary in Heaven.  In Revelation 12:17, St. John says that we are Mary’s children (spiritually, like he was, in John 19:27), if we obey the Commandments and bear testimony to Jesus.  According to 2 Peter 1:4, people in heaven become partakers in the divine nature, and that would include hearing prayers. 1 Corinthians 6:17 says that those who are united to Christ become one spirit with Him, and NO ONE was more united to Christ than Mary, who was His Living Holy Tabernacle for 9 months here on earth, and who Gabriel said IS "FULL OF GRACE" and "THE LORD IS WITH YOU!"  This is why Mary was chosen by Jesus to be his entry point onto the earth; in other words, Mary was not full of grace because she bore Jesus for 9 months.  Rather, She bore Jesus for 9 months because She was already full of grace, and therefore there is no room for sin in Her body or soul! 

  •     Why should I pray to Mary when I can go straight to Jesus in my prayers?
     You can go straight to Jesus in prayer, and you should.  God bless you for doing that.  But James also says in James 5: 16 that the “prayer of a righteous man has great power in its effects”.  No one on earth can be as righteous as anyone in heaven, and the Blessed Virgin Mary is certainly in heaven.  Also keep in mind that our prayers are presented to God by the saints and angels in the form of incense (Revelation 5:8 and 8:3).  And saints can pray for us day and night, even when we are asleep and can't pray for ourselves.  The devil never sleeps, and neither do the saints in heaven.
  • Isn’t Jesus, not Mary,  the one Mediator between God and man?
     Yes, and that mediation of salvation was accomplished on the cross, and is ongoing today.  Jesus is our Mediator between God the Father and Man.  Paul says that Jesus is the one mediator of the New Covenant, not prayer (Hebrews 9:14-15).  Mary leads us to Jesus, who will then lead us to God Our Father.  Mary’s role in intercessory prayer is no different than when one intercedes in prayer for their loved ones.  In other words, saints in heaven share in Christ's mediation, just like your kids share your life with you.

  • Didn’t the Bible Said ALL have sinned and Fall Short of God’s Glory? So Mary has Sin in Her.

Rom 3:23: "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God..."
The problem with this is that the word 'ALL' here is the Greek word, 'PAS', which can have different meanings to the absolute that we immediately think of - as shown in other verses of Holy Scripture.

John 12:19, "All the world has gone after him!" Did everyone in the entire world really go after Christ?

Mt 3:5-6, "Then went out to Him Jerusalem, and ALL Judea, and ALL the region about the Jordan; and they were baptized by him in the Jordan, confessing their sins."
Were all of the people of Judea, and the region about the Jordan baptized?

Luke 2:1 "And an order went out from caesar Augustus that ALL the world should be counted."
Was everyone in the whole world counted?

Rom 11:26, "ALL Israel shall be saved." Will everyone in Israel truly be saved?

Rom 15:14, " yourselves are full of love, filled with ALL knowledge..." The only person filled with 'ALL' knowledge is God Himself.

The Greek word 'PAS' in many verses in Scripture simply means a 'great number', 'most of', or 'a lot'. So its appearance in the quoted passage can in no way be used as an objection to the Sinlessness of the Virgin Mary.

Many people put the Mother of Jesus down as often as they can, thinking that by degrading her they are somehow building up Jesus.  They say things like "Mary is dead and can't help you", "Mary was just an incubator for Jesus", "Jesus put his mother down by calling her "Woman, and "If Mary had refused Gabriel, then God would have just picked someone else".  All of that kind of talk is crazy, but they do it because they think that Catholics worship Mary as a goddess, and by putting her down, they are showing Catholics that Jesus is number one.  How many people would like it if you said - "I love you, but I really can't stand your mother".  And how many people regularly put down their own mother to reinforce the fact that their Dad is one and only?  No one!.  Jesus called her "Woman" all of the time to let us all know that she is the new Eve (Adam named his mate "Woman") who's yes to Gabriel overcame Eve's yes to Lucifer.


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